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brown bears

Read a Cam Op’s Poem Inspired by Holly Bear

Suzie/CamOpEle was inspired by Holly and her biological cub from the Brown Bear Cam. An accident in taking a snapshot led to an image of the future and this poem by Suzie.

Dirge for 75,000 Elephants

This poem was submitted by Explore.org viewer, Catherine Garland. It’s a somber look at the ivory trade threatening the lasts elephant herds on Earth.

Project Puffin: News From Stratton Island

How could this cute little fluffy bird be The Grackle’s voice is less than mellow, His heart is black, his eye is yellow, He bullies more attractive birds With hoodlum deeds and vulgar words, And should a human interfere, Attacks that human in the rear. I cannot help but deem the grackle An ornithological debacle.

The Bear’s Complaint

The Bear’s Complaint / by Bear Cam fan Jeanette Koenig I’m a big ol’ bear and I gotta catch salmon I like the taste, but I’d rather go clammin’ And stay on the sandy shore And give an occasional roar ‘Cause the water is cold and it makes me shiver And the fish swim fast in the

The Puzzled Naturalist And The Puffin

The P.N.: Puffin! Puffin! Thou dost go Through wild western gales that blow; Tell me, what discreet decree Prescrib’d thy strange pomposity? Why this fashion, thus to flight— Bill roug’d—dressed in black and white? What, as well, dost thou suppose, Is signified by outsiz’d nose? Puffin, puffin, answer me, Why thy clown’s formality? What attraction,