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group of puffins

5 Best Puffin Photos Of The Week

The puffins definitely got their fair share of beautiful sunsets and lots of fish in their bellies, before taking out to sea for the winter! They will be back on camera in the spring! Here are five of the best photos taken from the live camera. Be sure to check out the highlights on all three

Preening In Synchronicity

A cute capture of juvenile siblings Mabel and Tory on the Hog Island Osprey Cam. The days have been counting down to their first flight! Be sure to tune in on explore.org to watch the spectacular event unfold! Photo Capture by Sheri Cochran

Osprey Live Chat: Rob Bierregaard

Here is the recording of Dr. Rob Bierregaard’s excellent second live chat on the Hog Island Osprey Cam. It was great fun ! Thank you, everyone who participated and asked questions. http://explore.org/#!/videos/p…

Project Puffin News From Outer Green Island

Outer Green Island researchers enjoy some ocean time out on the rowboat.

Project Puffin: News from Seal Island

A collage of birds that have been spotted on Seal Island including a cedar waxwing, razorbills, arctic terns, Atlantic puffins, and spotted sandpipers. [Photos courtesy of: Jenny Howard]

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