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polar bear

The Pole to Pole Campaign: Polar Bears to Penguins, to People

We hope you are enjoying watching the polar bear families on both the Ouwehand Zoo cams and Scandinavian Wildlife Park cams as they learn, grow, and play!

What I’m Doing For International Polar Bear Day

/ Post by Erica Wills of Polar Bears International  Today is International Polar Bear Day (we’ll call it IPBD for short)! The photo above is of my roommates and I on last year’s IPBD. We each chose one of my many polar bears items and wore them/carried them around for the day to bring awareness

Today is International Polar Bear Day

Today is International Polar Bear Day – a day where zoos, schools and conservation organizations from around the world join together to take action to reduce our carbon footprint. To commemorate this day, explore.org and Polar Bears International are hosting a special live Q&A on explore.org from 10-11am Pacific Time while showcasing some highlights from the recent polar bear migration. Can’t make the live

Older Than We Thought!

New evidence suggests that polar bears first appeared about five million years ago, making them much older than previously thought. They diverged from brown bears and underwent a series of evolutionary changes in order to survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic—adaptations from the shape of their body to keener senses, white fur, and sharper teeth. The findings indicate that polar bears evolved over

Make A New Years Resolution 2013

/ Post by Katie Billing Michael Jordan, Gandhi, Oprah, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Jane Goodall, Steve Irwin. These are a few names of some of the most influential individuals this earth has had. Why are these people so memorable? Because they have passion. These people have motivated the world with speeches, free-throws, acts of

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