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An Update on the Twins of Freedom

It’s a popular topic of conversation to marvel at how fast children grow up, but humans have nothing on polar bears!

polar bear

The Pole to Pole Campaign: Polar Bears to Penguins, to People

We hope you are enjoying watching the polar bear families on both the Ouwehand Zoo cams and Scandinavian Wildlife Park cams as they learn, grow, and play!

Freedom’s Cubs Are Working on Their Independence

It’s been awhile since our last update on Freedom and her cubs, but rest assured that they’re doing really well! For those new to this family, they’re the polar bears that live at the Ouwehand Zoo in Rhenen, Netherlands.

Cubs of Freedom

One of the cutest families in the world right now may just be Freedom the polar bear and her twin cubs from the Ouwehand Zoo in Rhenen, Netherlands. The cubs were born last November to their 14-year-old mother and got their first taste of the outdoor world just a couple weeks ago. So far, the