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5 SIZZLING SUMMER ways to Save Polar Bears

 / by Katie Billing of Polar Bears International 1. Turn down the thermostat, open your windows, and turn off air conditioning for a few hours each day. These practices reduce green house gas emissions! We don’t need cold air constantly; only use it when you really need it! 2. Make Your Own Shorts! On summer

Forward On Climate Rally & March – Washington DC

Older Than We Thought!

New evidence suggests that polar bears first appeared about five million years ago, making them much older than previously thought. They diverged from brown bears and underwent a series of evolutionary changes in order to survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic—adaptations from the shape of their body to keener senses, white fur, and sharper teeth. The findings indicate that polar bears evolved over

Polar Bear Night

/ Post by Katie Billing of Polar Bears International Above photograph: The igloo I helped build during winter 2010 (Photography Credit: Devin Propp) Around winter it is always nice to spend time with your loved ones and celebrate the holiday cheer. This post is about how to have a “date” while cutting down the cost