Explore is a philanthropic media organization

polar bear

Polar Bear on the Manitoba Tundra

The Pole to Pole Campaign: Polar Bears to Penguins, to People

We hope you are enjoying watching the polar bear families on both the Ouwehand Zoo cams and Scandinavian Wildlife Park cams as they learn, grow, and play!

Whether you are planting trees, reducing your transportation emissions, or maybe even joining protests for action against climate change, every step counts toward protecting Siku’s wild cousins. There are so many people and organizations already taking big steps to protect the environment. In particular, the Ouwehand Zoo is a leader of an amazing initiative called the Pole to Pole campaign. From polar bears to penguins, the Pole to Pole Campaign (see video here) is led by multiple zoos, aquariums, and other institutions and organizations across many countries and continents.

Participants in this campaign become Ambassadors of the Poles and inspire us to take responsibility for the way we live. They focus on reducing carbon emissions by developing a broader acceptance of sustainable living, building upon known and simple methods for lowering carbon footprints. This is about creating a world where riding your bike, planting a tree, turning off the light, and putting on a sweater and lowering your thermostat becomes the norm, not the exception. The more people that take part, the more we will accomplish!

Let’s let our world leaders know that they should play their part as well by changing their policies and setting the CO2 target lower than 350ppm! You can help this campaign and in turn help polar bears, penguins, and even people, by signing the campaign’s petitions to Pull the Plug and to make sure that 2 Degrees is the Limit.

Thank you for everything you are already doing and we would love to hear about it!

You can read more about the Ouwehand Zoo’s involvement in the Pole to Pole Campaign here.

EXPLORE The Complete – Polar Bear Live Camera Experience