Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Upcoming Bearcam Live Events

Welcome to the second peak season on the bearcams in Katmai National Park Alaska. Throughout September and early October, Ranger Naomi and explore.org’s resident naturalist Mike Fitz will host many live events exploring the world of bears and salmon. All events listed below, except the Reddit AMA, can be found on the Brooks Live Chat

Catch Our Earth Day Live Chat Line Up!

On Earth Day, people across the globe reflect on our planet and our environment, they come together to keep them clean and healthy, and to make positive changes within and beyond our communities.

A Day Of Live Chats on Explore!

We have a special surprise for you today at explore – we’re packing the day full of live chats! Check out our line up (all times are Pacific):

What’s Denver Holt Got for You?!

On a very cold and misty Friday morning (last week, July 18th), Denver Holt of the Owl Research Institute and his research assistant ventured across the Arctic Tundra. (Denver can be seen above holding a brown lemming – keep reading!) Arriving at the Snowy Owl nest site, which we have been watching in wonder for

The Bird People Are Coming!

Volunteers at the the Cornell Lab of Ornithology will be coming to our Snowy Owl Live Cam soon! These experts will moderate our new Snowy Owl Cam, and provide live “type-chats” with our viewers and more! Check out the Cam here and read below for more info on the Cornell Lab (and thanks to Pastor CJ for