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Happy Hanukkah to You & Your Family

Whether polar bear, human or Osprey, celebrate this final night of Hanukkah with our collection of “families.” Wishing you and yours a wonderful end to the Hanukkah celebration!

Happy International Guillemot Day!

In celebration of Guillemot Day, Project Puffin staff on Seal Island made these delicious cupcakes. The extra touches of the white patch on the wing and the cranberry red feet made these treats very special! Photo Courtesy of: Jenny Howard

July 27th, International Guillemot Appreciation Day

International Guillemot Appreciation Day was founded by a small group of seabird biologists on Matinicus Rock, Maine.  Project Puffin is focused on Puffins, of course, and they are easily adored by everyone for their cute looks and engaging demeanor.  All the seabirds on the island seemed to have focused studies of one type or another,