Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Peregrine falcons are new on explore!

Continuing our wonderful partnership with Raptor Resource Project of Decorah Eagle North Nest fame, the Great Spirit Bluff Peregrine Falcon Cam is new on explore!

Five Best Osprey Cam Photos of the Week

Amazing job guys! Check out the five best Osprey Live Cam photos from our viewers’ snapshots this week! The Whole Family, from KalCat Bird’s Eye View, from jadeh Feasting on Fish, HAG Rachel Provides a Shield of Protection, GAngel I Think I Can Fly!, Birdy Girl Thank you for your keen eyes and fast fingers. Keep the snapshots from the

Don’t Be Fooled…

Our little owlet is making our community feel all warm and fuzzy on the live cam, but one day s/he will grow into a veritable killer! Did You Know? Great Horned Owls are the only animal that regularly eats skunks! The Great Horned Owl will even hunt raptors including other owls and nestling Ospreys. Crows, in order to

The Legacy of Mr. & Mrs. Hoot

In this short (1:18) video, our camera operators have captured a quick summary of Mr. and Mrs. Hoot’s failed nesting this year. Not all attempts at breeding are always successful. The pair had a successful brood last year, and while we’ll wait patiently for next year’s attempt, we’re still waiting to see if Mr. Hoot returns!

Love Is in the Air!

audubonbirdcams: This dramatic pose is actually an osprey mating attempt at our Live Cam nest on Hog Island, Maine.  The pair will mate many times over the coming days before any successful egg fertilization occurs. Watch the action at: http://explore.org/live-cams/player/live-osprey-cam Photo: 04.12.2014-Sheri Cochran  

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