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The Gray Seal Pupping Cam is Back!

Life is bursting forth in the midst of the shortest and coldest days of the year! Northern Gray Seals are about to give birth to cute, fluffy white pups just yards away from where the puffins of Seal Island, Maine spent their summer. And now the Gray Seal Pupping Cam is live again to bring

deer family

Mammal Mothers Respond to Cries from Mammal Babies

Researchers recently discovered a curious phenomenon. Mammal moms respond to cries of other baby animals, so long as they’re also mammals. Scientific American reported on the findings of Susan Lingle (University of Winnipeg) and Tobias Riede (Midwestern University), who spent two summers testing deer in Canada.

Travel Log: The Ladies (and Gentleman) of the New Breeding Center

The new Breeding Center at Bifengxia is quite large with just over a dozen enclosures, each with indoor and outdoor areas for the pandas. The onsite keepers office is equipped with monitors to keep a virtual eye on the pandas in addition to the staff seeing to their physical needs. The monitors are especially helpful

Need A Distraction?

mothernaturenetwork: Getting too much done today? We’ve got a distraction for you: baby penguin webcam. You’re welcome.

First Panda Twins of the Year

/ update from Pandas International Fabulous news for the Giant Panda population: Haizi, a wildborn female panda at the Woolong Nature Reserve gave birth to healthy twin cubs on Saturday, June 22, after mating with wildborn males Bai Yang and Yi Bao earlier this year. These are the very first panda twins to be born

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