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Dowitcher searching for seafood along the coast of Stratton Island. Photo Courtesy of Janine Parziale


Sanderlings napping on the beach of Stratton Island. Photo Courtesy Of Jenny Howard

Sandy Home

Two boards and a popsicle stick mark this least tern’s home on the white sand beach of Stratton Island, Maine. It’s modest nest nothing more than a divot on the shore, at least the small peak provides a shelter for sudden summer storms that pass through. Photo Courtesy of Stella Walsh

Whoa! Bad Feather Day Anyone?

Preening and caring for feathers is a crucial part of keeping a bird warm. On a hot day fluffing can also serve as a way to release body heat. This small Sanderling shorebird is in the middle of a mighty shakedown that could be part of its ritual of feather maintenance. Photo Courtesy Of: fat-birds:

Voices: Semipalmated Sandpiper

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