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Project Puffin: News from Eastern Egg Rock

A pair of guillemots bill near tern habitat as they prepare for the breeding season. Photo courtesy of: Kate MacNamee

What A Photogenic Bird We Have!

Rachel, our Hog Island osprey is looking none the worse for wear after a winter away from her summer home in Maine.

Sandy Home

Two boards and a popsicle stick mark this least tern’s home on the white sand beach of Stratton Island, Maine. It’s modest nest nothing more than a divot on the shore, at least the small peak provides a shelter for sudden summer storms that pass through. Photo Courtesy of Stella Walsh

A Pair Of Northern Parulas

This pair of Northern Parulas nested on Hog Island, carefully building their home in the hanging Lichen known as Old Man’s Beard, found on many of our local spruce trees. Serving as both curtain and camouflage, the lichen protects the two young that await their daily diet of insects. Northern Parulas are The smallest of