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Take Your Chances Underwater: Caption This Beluga Cam!

Three’s a charm and this is your third chance to enter and win a snapshot/caption contest for explore.org prizes! These amazing snapshots from our Beluga Boat Cam come from explore.org fan Polo7422. Can you put some words in those beluga bubbles?  

Polar Bears: Identifying Siku’s Family & Early Sightings on Beluga Cam!

We have had major excitement on the Beluga Whale Sky Cam as a viewer spotted a polar bear last week! Hard to believe fall is just around the corner. There is a new highlight up of a polar bear sighting here! And if you’ve been over to the Scandinavian Wildlife Park Live Cam recently, you’ve noticed the twin cubs are

Beluga Sky Cam

It’s a chilly -18*F in Port of Churchill, Hudson Bay. We’re getting fog, snow and bright sunlight on the Beluga Whale Sky Cam. Did You Know? The Churchill River estuary is one of the summering grounds for the largest population of beluga whales in the Arctic. The total world population of belugas is estimated to be

Blowing Hot Air!

Did You know – that’s not water? Contrary to what most people think, whales do not actually spray water out of their blowholes. The blowhole is actually a whale’s nose on the top of its head. When inhaling they flex a muscle, which opens the blowhole, and take in a big gulp of air and then