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Top 5 Weedy Sea Dragon Photos Of The Week

A weedy sea dragon is often confused with seaweed in the water. They seem to float motionless, with the movements of the water. Take a look at the live aquarium cam and see the sea dragons graceful movements. Here are the top five photos of the week, captured from the live camera. Weedy Sea Dragon

New Gecko Species Discovered!

National Geographic’s “exploration of a ‘lost world’ on a remote Australian peninsula has yielded the discovery of three new species, including a leaf-tailed gecko with spindly legs and unusually big eyes.” See the full story and photos here at Nat Geo and explore the world of the rain forests!

15 million hectares of native vegetation

Earth Hour shared this from the Nature Conservancy about some amazing, pristine nature in Australia. Read more below about this beautiful photo and explore more nature. natureconservancy: With nearly 15 million hectares of native vegetation, Australia’s Great Western Woodlands are still largely intact, blanketing one percent of the continent and supporting some of the world’s


  HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY Australia Day, 26 January, is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain, and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove … in 1788… Today Australia Day celebrations reflect contemporary Australia: our diverse society and landscape, our remarkable achievements and our

Bear Misconceptions

Koala Bears? Post by Katie Billing I have heard the phrase “Koala bear” used on several occasions. The statement is invalid because koalas are not bears at all! Koalas are found throughout Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland Australia. My previous post about, What Bears Are, stated that bears do not live in Australia. If koalas