Explore is a philanthropic media organization

An Ouwehand Cam Update on Huggies

We know many of you are interested and invested in the future of Huggies and the Ouwehand Zoo cam, and we thank you for being such engaged viewers!

Introducing (the world’s cutest) Polar Bear Twins!

Come meet the two new polar bear cubs at the Ouwehand Zoo in Rhenen, Netherlands. The tiny twins are just beyond adorable as they explore their tundra exhibit, watched over by their attentive mother Freedom. The two were born in November and are now just venturing out of the den, made strong by a nursing

See Ilka the Polar Bear Nurse Her Cub

Ilka, mom to famed polar bear Siku, was in motherly bliss nursing one of her youngest cubs on the Live Cam. We have a highlight video here.