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Project Puffin: News from Pond Island

A gorgeous summer sunset captured by one of Project Puffin’s staff on Pond Island. The lighthouse seen here was built in 1855 and stands 20 feet high. Photo courtesy of: Kristina Mcomber

Views of Matinicus Rock

Views of Matinicus Rock, one of the seven seabird islands run by Project Puffin. The most remote of all the research stations, it is a 22-acre offshore island located in outer Penobscot Bay. The first light station was built in 1827 and there are many tales of heroism associated with the light keeper era, none

Pemaquid Point Light

One of the most frequently visited tourist sites in Maine, Pemaquid Point is a quintessential example of the landscape found along the coast. Immigrants from Bristol, England, established a settlement at Pemaquid in 1631. The village had as many as 200 people by the 1670s, but Abenaki Indians burned it during King Philip’s War. The