Hummingbirds are always here for you! Been missing some of your favorite bird cams since the feathery families have left for the fall? Get your fix on the Bella Hummingbird cam – the tiny tweeters live in southern California year-round! So sidle on up to the feeder to see several species of hummingbirds stop over for a
Bella Hummingbird Live Chat with Rehabilitator Terry Masear
Rosie the hummingbird recently welcomed two chicks in her little nest. If you recall, Rosie harassed Bella Hummingbird’s own nest, making it difficult for the mom to feed her two chicks. A decision was made to remove Bella’s nest and care for the chicks with human hands.
Name Heddy’s Hummingbird Chicks!
Heddy the hummingbird has made herself right at home at, nesting with her two chicks in the ivy hanging off a bottlebrush tree. Her name is inspired by that very ivy, Hedera Helix, and she’s quite happy with it. Now it’s up to you and two elementary school classes to give her chicks their
Meet little Heddy Hummingbird!
Hedera – Heddy for short – is an Allen’s Hummingbird nesting outside a home in Van Nuys, CA, and the newest addition to the nature and wildlife cameras on She’s caring for her two young chicks amongst the ivy on a bottlebrush tree, a favorite nesting site of several female Allen’s Hummingbirds over the
Live Chat Wednesday with Hummingbird Rehabilitator
Rosie the hummingbird is expecting two chicks in her little nest. Watch them hatch live! If you recall, Rosie appears to have harassed Bella’s own nest, making it difficult for the mom to feed her two chicks. A decision was made to remove Bella’s nest and care for the chicks with human hands. This effort