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Bella Hummingbird Live Chat with Rehabilitator Terry Masear

Rosie the hummingbird recently welcomed two chicks in her little nest. If you recall, Rosie harassed Bella Hummingbird’s own nest, making it difficult for the mom to feed her two chicks. A decision was made to remove Bella’s nest and care for the chicks with human hands.

Live Chat Wednesday with Hummingbird Rehabilitator

Rosie the hummingbird is expecting two chicks in her little nest. Watch them hatch live! If you recall, Rosie appears to have harassed Bella’s own nest, making it difficult for the mom to feed her two chicks. A decision was made to remove Bella’s nest and care for the chicks with human hands. This effort

Facing starvation, hummingbird chicks are moved for rehabilitation

There’s been quite a bit of drama at Bella Hummingbird’s Nest recently; a hummingbird “intruder” nicknamed Rosie has been aggressively harassing the chicks and mom. In the past few days she has even built her own nest mere feet from Bella’s. But the tension has taken a more serious turn as Rosie may have interfered