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Growing Up So Quickly!

The osprey chicks aren’t chicks anymore! They are nearly the size of their parents! Photo Capture by Sheri Cochran

Educated Osprey

Rachel enjoys reading the Audubon Magazine on rainy days while keeping her chicks warm and dry. Now printed on birch bark! Photo courtesy of: Constantia Oomen

Jenny Island- Controlling Vegetation

At the start of each new season, the Project Puffin seabird biologists work to keep unwanted vegetation from overtaking the area where Common Terns make their nests. Over time, the increased amount of vegetation (which can grow 6 feet high!) turns into soil during its natural process of decay. The more soil there is on

A Sense Of Wonder

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the Friends of Hog Island presents Kaiulani Lee in a one-woman tour-de-force performance of Rachel Carson’s Sense of Wonder, a two-act drama, on July 28, 2012 at the historic Lincoln Theater in downtown Damariscotta at 7 p.m. Audiences nation-wide have described Ms. Lee’s performance