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Fool Me Once… He’ll Try Again!

From National Geographic, we learned of the fascinating Drongo bird. These birds have learned to imitate alarm calls to scare off animals with prey – – and then swoop in to steal it for themselves! And their techniques are evolving… Except when it’s lying. Because sometimes drongos, which are about the size of a scrub

Dogs Can Do Math?!

Discovery News reported, “Dogs understand arithmetic, according to Stanley Coren of the University of British Colombia’s Department of Psychology. Studies show, for example, that dogs notice errors in simple computations, such as 1+1=3. The average dog, Coren said, can learn 165 words.” Our dogs at Patriot Paws might know a thing or two about commands. Watch

Dolphins Smartest Animals After Humans

When explore.org visited the dolphin research center in the Bahamas, we saw first hand not only the majestic nature of dolphins, but their mind-blowing intelligence. From Discovery: When human measures for intelligence are applied to other species, dolphins are second only toHomo sapiens in brainpower, according to Lori Marino, a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral

Elephants Can Speak

From Discovery: An Asian elephant male named Koshik can imitate human speech, speaking words in Korean that others who know the language can understand, a Current Biology study determined. The elephant’s vocabulary at present consists of at least five words: annyong (hello), anja (sit down), aniya (no), nuo (lie down), and choah (good). Given that

Dogs Are People Too –

This popular article from last week’s NYTimes reveals new studies that show dogs and humans have some similar emotional capabilities. The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. And this ability suggests a rethinking of how we

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