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Today in the World: War Fund Drive for WWII POWs

70 years ago today, on November 26, 1944, an announcement was sent out to Americans for the war fund drive. The funds raised by the National War Fund organization were used to support foreign relief agencies as well as the USO.

A year prior, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave this radio speech about the National War Fund and said: 

In the genius of the American people- for freedom, and decency, and friendliness among neighbors—lies one of our best weapons for that victory, and certainly our greatest insurance for a peace that will be just and lasting. Our men and our allies know they have made no covenant with our Government alone. They know that they have the backing of all the resources and spirit of the American people themselves. In that conviction alone lies the winning morale which no slave of a dictator can ever know.

That is why I am glad to speak to you tonight about the National War Fund. It is a philanthropic federation with three simple aims; first, to determine the nature and the extent of the war-related needs; second, to see that everybody has a chance to contribute to the funds required; and third, to channel the sums raised for its member agencies wherever American help is currently most needed—to raise enough and on time.

Today, support of our troops is far, wide and varied. Go with Charlie to Sun Valley, Idaho, meet some soldiers there and learn about the healing power of nature.

Watch: “Brothers” – A Short Film About Fallujah