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Get to know the Shark Lagoon!

Content provided by Derek Balsillie of Aquarium of the Pacific  The Aquarium of the Pacific is a nonprofit educational institution with the goal of creating awareness and inspiring respect for the ocean and its inhabitants. Sharks are one of the most misunderstood marine animals and are facing devastating threats. By allowing people to come close to

Shark Cam Top Photos of the Week

Ferocious looking fish have been spotted swimming by our Shark Cam off the coast of Cape Fear, but there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Sandtiger sharks are actually a bunch of softies who’d prefer to sink their pointy teeth into bottom-feeding fish. They’re still a big catch to see in the wild. Here are

sand tiger shark

Frying Pan Shark Profile: The Sandtiger Shark

If you’ve been watching our new underwater cameras at Frying Pan Tower, you’ve probably noticed that the change of the season has not only brought stormy weather but also some big, toothy fish to the neighborhood… Today, we meet the Sandtiger shark.

Hammerhead shark

Hammerhead Shark’s Journey May Help Conservationists

The adventures of hammerhead sharks have provided information that may help protect the endangered creatures. According to Live Science, researchers tagged three sharks in the Gulf of California and tracked their journeys.


Sandtigers’ Biggest Battle is In the Womb

“Shy” and “docile,” That’s how Nate Jaros of The Aquarium of the Pacific describes sand tiger sharks. The story is different, though, when these species are in the womb.

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