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Shark Cam Top Photos of the Week

Ferocious looking fish have been spotted swimming by our Shark Cam off the coast of Cape Fear, but there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Sandtiger sharks are actually a bunch of softies who’d prefer to sink their pointy teeth into bottom-feeding fish. They’re still a big catch to see in the wild. Here are some of the best Shark Cam snapshots of the week.

Sharks get oxygen by water constantly flowing over their gills, so it's hard for them to stop and take a breather.

Sharks need oxygen-rich water constantly flowing over their gills, so it’s hard for them to stop and take a breather.

This species lives in shallow waters near sandy shorelines, hence the name Sandtiger shark. But you can call this one Marge.

This species lives in shallow waters near sandy shorelines, hence the name Sandtiger shark. But you can call this one Brandon. Photo by CamOp_Randy

This shark is bright eyed and spiky tailed.

This shark is bright eyed and spiky tailed. Snapshot by Wojodog1

"Heyyy, folks! What about me?" Just being on the Shark Cam doesn't make you a shark.

“Heyyy folks, get a load of me!” Come on, fish. Just being on the Shark Cam doesn’t make you a shark.

For our big FIN-ale, this shark was spotted today by viewer Bluez.

And for our BIG FINale, this shark was spotted today by viewer Bluez.

EXPLORE the Complete – Frying Pan Shark Camera Experience