By Carlene White, founder of Service Dog Project. No, that’s not a mirror. It’s Bella and George in red with Finn and Eve in blue. They’re enjoying the mall – out of wheelchairs, on their feet walking all alone… almost.
Getting Danes Ready to Work
By Carlene White, founder of Service Dog Project There are hundreds of service dogs that could well deserve national attention of an American Kennel Club award, however our Great Dane “George” was chosen. It had a lot to do with the fact that his partner is a 48 pound cute little girl named Bella who
Meet Iron, the Dog of Steel
Service dogs perform amazing feats every day, like opening doors and turning on lights, giving their human partners the ability to live fuller lives. For people living with mobility difficulties, helper dogs provide physical support and balance, opening up a world that’s not always easy to navigate. These dogs also offer emotional support, companionship, and
Q&A with SDP Recipient Renee LeVerrier and Her Dane
Renee LeVerrier is a yoga instructor, author, artist and stroke survivor living with Parkinson’s disease. Exercising, writing and painting keep life in balance for her; her service dog Sir Thomas keeps her balanced in daily life. As falls can be a frequent concern when living with Parkinson’s, Sir Thomas and service dogs like him provide