Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Play the Service Dog Project Storytelling Contest!

Looks like Ariot, Great Dane of the Service Dog Project, is up to something funny. Is she greeting a visitor? On lookout duty? Going on an adventure? Well that’s up to you! In this week’s contest you guys will work together to tell Ariot’s story, line by line, in the comments section below.

Renee LeVerrier & her Great Dane, SirThomas

Q&A with SDP Recipient Renee LeVerrier and Her Dane

Renee LeVerrier is a yoga instructor, author, artist and stroke survivor living with Parkinson’s disease. Exercising, writing and painting keep life in balance for her; her service dog Sir Thomas keeps her balanced in daily life.  As falls can be a frequent concern when living with Parkinson’s, Sir Thomas and service dogs like him provide