Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Springtime for Whales

Our partners at the NRDC always have a #whaling good time protecting oceans! Check out their funny tribute to whales in the spring here, and keep an eye on the waters for beluga whale sightings on our Live Cam!  

Seafood Tips from NRDC

nrdc: Looking for a way to help save whales and other marine mammals? Shop local! Check out this easy guide to ordering safely caught seafood from our partners at the National Resources Defense Council. http://bit.ly/19TMPZQ  

A Victory for the Polar Bear in 2013

In 2013 the NRDC won a great victory for the polar bear – – ensuring they stay on the endangered species list. In March 2013, “The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals today upheld a 2008 decision to protect polar bears throughout their range as a “threatened” species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The court