Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Our Special Species

To accompany the good news from Nepal – a year without poaching – come visit our special species. Watch these short videos and peruse our photos of the endangered elephants, gorillas, sturgeons, tigers and Nene Birds. Visit our live cams featuring bison, pandas and polar bears. Learn about what you can do to help protect our special

The Bird of Hawaii

The endangered Nene Bird is the official bird of Hawaii and only found on the islands of Maui, Kauaʻi and Hawaiʻi. Fast Fact: `Ohelo (Vaccinium reticulatum) is a relative of blueberries and a favorite food of nene, the Hawaiian Goose. Its berries range from dark red to pale yellow when ripe and are sacred to Pele, the volcano deity. Learn

Too Cute Tuesday

Too Cute Tuesday Love (Nene) Birds This week we explore the animals in the Endangered Animal Photo Album. Above, the Nene Bird. The state bird of Hawaii is coming back from the brink of extension with the help of park rangers. ” It is the sixth most endangered waterfowl species worldwide. Hunting, egg collecting and