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Too Cute Tuesday

Too Cute Tuesday

Love (Nene) Birds

This week we explore the animals in the Endangered Animal Photo Album.

Above, the Nene Bird. The state bird of Hawaii is coming back from the brink of extension with the help of park rangers. ” It is the sixth most endangered waterfowl species worldwide. Hunting, egg collecting and predation by introduced mongooses, cats, pigs, dogs and rats contributed to the historic decline of this species. Current threats include scarcity of native food plants, predation by introduced mammals and habitat loss” (Ducks.org).

But there is hope and great progress. From a 1950s’ population of less than 50, today there are over 2,000 Nene Birds and the numbers continue to grow. Learn more about saving the Nene Bird. Here’s one way to participate in the future of the Nene Bird.