Explore is a philanthropic media organization

This Week on Explore (7/14)

Service Dog Project has welcomed a new baby donkey! Lin Ping has given birth to twins! Sadly, two of Rachel and Steve’s chicks have been taken by GHO predation. Bailey is still healthy and actively being watched by Rachel and Steve.  Doves egg have hatched! Congrats BellaDonna & Adonis! Best Bear Sighting This Week! A

Daily Dose of Love: Belugas Are Coming Back Live Chat

Hayley Shephard Passes The Torch! The friendly, curious beluga whales will be back live on explore soon! While intrepid, fan-favorite beluga boat captain Hayley Shephard won’t be returning this season she’d like to introduce you to our new whale watching guides! Join us live today at 6pm ET / 3pm PT on the Beluga Cam to hear