RRP Brings News From the Eagle Nest! Been missing the family on Raptor Resource Project’s Decorah North Eagle Nest? We have, too! So good news: the team at RRP – John Howe, Amy Ries, Kike Arnal, and Sherri Elliot – will join us tomorrow (Thursday) at 3pm ET / 12pm PT for a live chat
Live Chat with John Howe! (9/21)
Have you been feeling like there is something missing in your life since the eagles have fledged? Well, we are here to deliver some good news! Join us on Thursday, September 21st, at 12 pm PT/ 3 pm ET for a live chat with John Howe, Amy Ries, Kike Arnal, and Sherri Elliot! John and
This Week On Explore! (6/9)
All three of Rachel and Steve’s eggs have hatched! Chick # 1, June 4th at 1:45 am EDT Chick # 2 June 4th at 2:48 pm EDT Chick #3 June 7 at 12:30am EDT All Hawaii cameras have been updated and, as you can see, are stunning! Thanks, explore technical team! Honeybee hive cam is
Featured Viewer Snapshots This Week
Here at explore.org, we really value our community and daily users who watch and snap some our camera’s greatest moments. We especially love seeing the amazing snapshots that are taken on a daily basis, providing the explore community with an evergreen of beautiful content. Below are some of our favorites from the past week! We
Join us for a Decorah North Eagle Nest live chat
With sad news we announce a new live chat with John Howe and Amy Ries of Raptor Resource Project (RRP), our partner and co-host of the Decorah Eagles North Nest. Some time last night, the youngest and smallest eaglet, DN3 or Little Bit, died in the nest. This Friday, May 13th at 1pm PT /