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Until Next Time, Aurora…

Well folks, it looks like there was a reason that Aurora has not been moving very much lately: she seems to have lost her collar.

Slow and Steady Gets the Seals (Hopefully)

It’s time again to check in again with Aurora the polar bear and her cubs to see if they have been up to anything new and exciting since their last update. Surprise: they haven’t. This is not to discount what they have been doing, because anything a polar bear does is pretty cool! But this

Travels to the Far East (of Hudson Bay)

Polar Bears International is back with another update on Aurora and her two cubs! For those that are new to following Aurora, she is a young female polar bear from the Western Hudson Bay population. A GPS collar was put on Aurora last fall in order to follow her and her cubs’ movements throughout the year,

Polar Bear Aurora Heading Straight to Quebec

Hi everyone! It’s been a couple weeks since we last checked in with Aurora and her cubs, and since our last update they have moved only 22.44 km (13.94 mi) in a straight-line. However, we are only checking in once a week, which means there could have been lots of meandering or zigzagging during that

Where’s Aurora Now?

It’s time to update you on what Aurora the polar bear has been doing these last few weeks! It’s been almost two months since her family made it to the sea ice and she’s made some interesting tracks already. For those that haven’t been following, Explore.org sponsors a polar bear on Polar Bears International’s Polar

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