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equator in africa

Where north meets south

Straddling the Equator

Val from Mpala here. The other day one of the U.S.-based Cam Ops asked about changing the viewing hours on the African Wildlife Cams since the days are getting shorter now… But this is a difference of hemispheres.

Of course the days are shortening back in the U.S. because North America is in the northern hemisphere.
Our hippo pool is nearly on the equator. In fact, within 60 miles of Mpala you can stand with one foot in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern. A rather battered sign marks the spot by the road—a favorite photo op.
And here’s an intriguing observation from George Mwangi, our IT guru.
Dear all,
Days are not actually shorter. We are on the equator so they stay 12 hours all year round. What happens is, it gets darker earlier like 18:30-ish from September to around January (it is not consistent); and in the morning we have light by 05:45-ish. From March to around July, the opposite happens – gets dark after 19:00H and sun comes out at around 06:30H.
Not many people notice it because it is not consistent. And most of those who do, don’t really give it much thought. This is not from a scientific journal so I might be wrong. It is purely by observation and experience. I have lived a degree or less from the equator on the Southern hemisphere most of my life.
George Mwangi
Come see what all this is about on the Hippo and other African Live Cams.

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