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New Views Bring New Pandas!

Now that the Wolong Grove Panda Cam at Gengda Base has been moved, we’ll see Xiang Lin, a male panda born July 24, 2009 at Bifengxia Panda Center. His twin brother Xiang Ge also lives at Gengda, and you may already know his little sister Xin Xin, currently seen playing on the Happiness Village Cam.

A Tree Grows in China

Tree guards are important this time of year at Gengda Panda Base! The devices keep pandas away from the tops of trees so they can form new branches and have a fighting chance to grow. Branches are beneficial not least because their leaves will provide shade in the yards. But try explaining that to pandas.

panda toddlers eating bamboo

Happy Thanksgiving! Pics of Panda Toddlers Devouring Pounds of Bamboo

When it comes to eating bamboo, this is how it’s done. Panda toddlers Xing An and Gong Gong got some big bamboo shoots to eat. They loved every bite of them too! Check out the pics from Panda Cam #3 captured by Cam Op Lee.

panda bear

See What Happens When a Cam Op Visits the Giant Panda Reserve

One of explore.org’s camera operators (Cam Ops) went to visit the Bifengxia Reserve in China – home of our Panda Cams. Here are the personal pictures Lee brought back.

Panda Munching on some Bamboo

Up On Old Leopard Mountain

  Have you met our giant pandas yet? Climb Old Leopard Mountain and meet the pandas who live there.

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