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Xiang Lin having a snack

New Views Bring New Pandas!

Now that the Wolong Grove Panda Cam at Gengda Base has been moved, we’ll see Xiang Lin, a male panda born July 24, 2009 at Bifengxia Panda Center. His twin brother Xiang Ge also lives at Gengda, and you may already know his little sister Xin Xin, currently seen playing on the Happiness Village Cam.

Xiang Lin has only been on the cam for a few days now but we’ve already seen that he loves to get down in the moat by the wall and walk backwards in it.  He seems to be the only panda we’ve have seen do this regularly. Each panda is unique and have their little eccentricities, and we’ll discover plenty more in the days and weeks to come!

EXPLORE the Complete – Live Giant Panda Camera Experience