Explore is a philanthropic media organization

National Geographic Year in Review

“From the oceans’ depths to the tallest mountain peaks, this planet had an amazing year, and National Geographic was there to document it all throughout 2013,” (Huffington Post Good News). Watch the short video here and share your favorite photos of explore.org’s 2013 from the live cams. Happy 2014!  

Happy New Year!

We hope  2014 brings you as much happiness as a freshly nursed Gray Seal pup! (Photo from explore.org fan Katharine Green)

It’s Time to Celebrate!

Dust off the tux and grab a friend this New Year’s Eve… Or simply spend a quiet night in with the Magellanic Penguins at the Aquarium of the Pacific! Did You Know? Magellanic penguins usually form life-long pairs, returning to the same breeding location annually. Happy New Year!