Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Day FOUR: Colly Birds

Day FOUR: Colly Birds We’re counting down to give you FIIIIVE favorite puppy photos. And I always thought it was “calling birds”! Nope, “colly” was an Old English word for sooty or black and dirty, and in this case, those colly birds are Blackbirds. And the symbolic meaning is the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke

Day THREE: French Hens

Day THREE: French Hens We’re counting down to give you FIIIIVE favorite puppy photos from the Service Dog Project of Chaos’ Great Dane Puppies. Those French hens of urban legend? The Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity. Read more about the Service Dog Project and see the live Puppy Cam here!

Day TWO: Turtle Doves

Day TWO: Turtle Doves We’re counting down to give you FIIIIVE favorite puppy photos from the Service Dog Project of Chaos’ Great Dane Puppies. Here, let Oscar help with your Tuesday. I think he’s got his mom’s eyes, don’t you? “The 12 days of Christmas, in fa­ct, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the

Day ONE: A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Day ONE: A Partridge in a Pear Tree You’ve heard of “FIIIIIIVE golden rings!”? Well, here’s what we’re gonna do this week before Christmas – give you FIIIIVE favorite puppy photos  from the Service Dog Project and Chaos’ Great Dane Puppies. Consider it a little reprieve from the holiday madness or else an extra addition