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There's enough Polar Bear Week for both of you!

Live Webcast: Polar Bear Week Energy Challenge

Polar Bear Week is November 2-8, 2014!  Kick off the celebration with a live webcast on Polar Bear TV Sunday, November 2nd at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT.  Come learn from Polar Bears International about all the exciting events that will be happening this week on the tundra and how you can play a big part in conserving polar bears by participating in the Energy Challenge.

Polar Bear Week provides polar bear enthusiasts with seven full days to celebrate their favorite arctic animal. The event coincides with the annual fall polar bear migration to Churchill, Manitoba, where polar bears gather to wait for the freeze-up on Hudson Bay to commence seal hunting. We’ll spend Polar Bear Week in part bringing attention to the current trend of extended ice-free seasons which impedes the polar bears’ ability to hunt, threatening their survival. To battle continuing climate change, the Energy Challenge dares you to take the next step to reduce your own greenhouse gas footprint.

EXPLORE The Complete  – Polar Bear Live Cam Experience