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polar bear breaks ice

Captured by the Tundra Buggy Patrol

Polar Bear Breaks Ice Looking for Food

“Bears in general have a heightened level of curiosity, something critical to their survival,” explains Dr. Tom Smith, bear biologist at Brigham Young University in Utah. “Their continuous sampling of the environment exposes them to new food sources over time.”

Bears are amongst the most curious mammals in the world. In fact, some zoo studies have shown that bears will play with objects and puzzles longer than even primates. While this bear won’t be finding any seals right now, it is still learning about its environment and how things feel and taste.

Exploration of the world around them, especially on a small scale, tends to reward bears by teaching them about their favorite thing: food! Just like us humans, bears never stop learning!

Watch this highlight clip from yesterday, 10/29/2014, below: EXPLORE the Complete Tundra Buggy Live Camera Experience: