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Sir Thomas, Renee Le Verrier and Lynne Emerson

Live Chat with Service Dog Recipients and their Danes

Service Dog Project Great Dane recipients and public speakers Lynne Emerson and Renee LeVerrier will join us (along with their Danes Willow and Sir Thomas!) for a live chat June 30th at 6pm ET / 3pm PT, right after Mail Call.

Lynne and Renee work together to teach emergency first responders how to handle service dogs in extreme situations. Part of that training involves working on an ambulance while first responders handle the dogs. The pair would like to pass on their expert knowledge to you and anyone with a service dogs. This Tuesday, learn how to best prepare for the unexpected. And if you have any questions for Lynne and Renee, ask them in the comments of the Service Dog Project Cam!

Lynne Emerson is a former medical device consulting executive who found her life dramatically changed with the diagnoses and progression of Multiple Sclerosis. As Lynne’s mobility became more challenging and falls more persistent, her independence seemed to be slipping away. Then Lynne reached out to SDP who paired her with Willow in August, 2013. They and the organization now work together to educate the community, law enforcement, and businesses regarding service dogs and service dog laws.

Renee LeVerrier is a yoga instructor, author, artist and stroke survivor living with Parkinson’s disease. Exercising, writing and painting keep life in balance for her; her service dog Sir Thomas keeps her balanced in daily life. As falls can be a frequent concern when living with Parkinson’s, Sir Thomas and service dogs like him provide valuable support, enhancing mobility and the quality of life for their owners.

EXPLORE The Complete – Service Dog Project Live Camera Experience