Brown Bear Cub Reunited With Mother Live on Bear Cam
In an unexpected turn of events, viewers witnessed an epic moment within the very first live hours of this season’s Bear Cam. Earlier in the evening, Katmai National Park rangers divulged some heartbreaking news – Bear 402, a familiar face from prior seasons, had been separated from her only remaining yearling:
“402 was separated from her remaining yearling earlier today and they have not been reunited. She has not been seen at all, and her cub has spent nearly the last 9 hours up a tree next to the lodge restroom. A few minutes ago it climbed out of the tree and has since been wandering about looking for her. As I hear more Mike or I will let you know, but in the meantime, be on the lookout for either 402 or her cub.” – Ranger Roy, Chief of Interpretation and Education
Minutes after learning the news of the cubs’ separation from its mother, viewers spotted a young bear on cam. Rangers immediately confirmed that this was 402’s estranged cub. The distressed cub called to its mother, and, live on camera, mother and cub were reunited.
Have a favorite snapshot of this incredible reunion? Post it here or email to
So happy the bear cams are back!!!!!!
Us too!
I so hope someone has a picture of that. I missed it all> When I read my explorer org. email it was to late
We’ll have a video highlight shortly!