Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Panda at the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve in China.

Watch “Explore China”- A Short Film

Discover China’s many hidden gems: philosophy, art, education and rural life- and see how the country’s leaders are working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.

In this short film, Explore will take you on a journey inside China. You will learn about environmental changes, the future of China with the Anwu School for children, and so many changes happening within Chinese culture. You will visit the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve and learn about their efforts to save the pandas. You will learn all about the history of the Great Wall of China, about the 8,000 Terra-cotta Warriors and so much more of China’s history. Explore will take you to rural and urban China alike. If you have ever wanted to know more about this country, this film has it covered.

Come take an educational and beautiful journey by exploring China. There is so much to learn!