Explore is a philanthropic media organization

This Week on Explore (7/6)

Happy First Week of July! The Orcas are back and enjoying lots of belly rubs at Rubbing Beach!


Snapshot by megryan6

We’ve welcomed another camera to our #bearcam library! Tune into Brooks Falls Low to see amazing bear butt such as this:

Bears_Bear Butt_Brenda05_7.5.18

Snapshot by Brenda05

The Guillemots have their first hatch!

Guillemot_Feeding Chick_CamOp MG_7.1.18

Snapshot by CamOp MG

Otis is back! Fat Bear Winner 2017 has made his grand appearance back at Brooks Falls!



This week we had a live chat with Margaret and Patty from Round Island, Alaska to talk about walruses!

Sadly, this week we learned of the recent passing of one of 132’s cubs. We are happy to report that 132 and her remaining cub are doing well and reunited. Read more about the incident from explore.org bearcam fellow, Mike Fitz, here.

bear 132 and cub


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