Join Mpala’s Kids Corner for a special reading and live chat with the bug doctor! Entomologist Dr. Dino Martins, our Executive Director, will tell tales of these amazing creatures on World Environment Day, June 5, 10 am ET/ 5 pm EAT, and read from his children’s book: You Can Be an Entomologist: Investigating Insects. Insects
A Hidden World
On any landscape with livestock and wildlife, the highest traffic can be found at watering holes. The most popular drinking spot here at Mpala Research Centre is the hippo pool, our home of African wildlife on Watering holes are an essential resource in the semi-arid savannah. They are the places where wildlife, herders and their livestock get water. On
2 sweet weeks of facts about honey bees 12. It’s Not Easy Being Queen In one day a queen can lay her weight in eggs. She will lay one egg per minute, day and night, for a total of 1,500 eggs over a 24-hour period and 200,000 eggs in a year. Should she stop her