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All Eyes on the Flyway!

If you watch the Flyway year-round, you know that it slows down in the winter. The icy cirrus clouds and blowing snow have their own austere beauty, but we don’t see much except an occasional coyote crossing the ice. Get ready for that to start changing as soon as next week! When should we expect

January 29, 2020: DM2 in Decorah

NestFlix: Decorah North, Decorah, Mississippi Flyway, Odds and Ends

We have your Nestflix! Eagles are getting busy, working on egg-cup foundations, and taking advantage of BOGO cornhusk specials at their local Nest Depots! We all wish Mom’s eye would get better but we’re relieved to see that she is still flying, perching, eating, and even bonding with ease. On the Flyway, coyotes take advantage