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Mom surveying her realm

#Musings: Place, stories, and animal intelligence

I’m reading “Flight Ways: Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction.” The first three chapters inspired some afternoon #musing. Place, as writer Thom Van Dooren points out, can be understood as an embodied, lived, and meaningful environment. Bald eagles clearly have a sense of place. Their territories are woven with layers of attention, meaning, and

First egg at Decorah North!

Congratulations to DNF and Mr. North! DNF laid her first egg of 2020 today at 3:36 PM CT. We hope for nothing but the best for the family this year! Watch the whole thing here… DNF laid two eggs last year starting on February 21. The first egg to hatch this year will be DN11.

February 19, 2020: DNF at the North Nest

Will we get an egg tonight at the North nest? Maybe…

A quick reminder – there is a reasonably good chance we could see egg #1 at the Decorah North nest tonight…although only DNF knows for sure. We’ve got some North Nestflix for everyone pacing the delivery room floor with us tonight! Decorah North Eagles February 19, 2020: Owl knocked Mr. North – https://youtu.be/oOYVluusSrw and https://youtu.be/ywywxo83cPw. This

February 5, 2020: Mom and DM2 stand wing to wing in the nest. These brief moments occur with increasing frequency as courtship deepens.

Courtship, copulation, and other things romantic!

This is a traditional Valentines Day post for us, but we decided not to wait this year…just in case one of our eagle pairs lays eggs early! Bald eagle courtship Bald eagles are famous for their whirling nuptial flight, but eagle courtship includes any activities that establish a new pair bond or renew an existing

January 29, 2020: DM2 in Decorah

NestFlix: Decorah North, Decorah, Mississippi Flyway, Odds and Ends

We have your Nestflix! Eagles are getting busy, working on egg-cup foundations, and taking advantage of BOGO cornhusk specials at their local Nest Depots! We all wish Mom’s eye would get better but we’re relieved to see that she is still flying, perching, eating, and even bonding with ease. On the Flyway, coyotes take advantage

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