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Daily Dose Of Love: Panda Wrasslin’ Wednesday!

Panda Toddler Playtime! Here to spread happiness are the trio of toddlers on the panda cam! Forget your worries and have some fun watching the roly-poly fuzzballs climb trees, play-flight, and slide down their playground. Puts a smile on my face every day. Watch live every day on our Panda Live Cam! Rick | explore.org

New Panda Twins!

By CamOp Lee Big news for Panda Fans!  Lin Ping gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, on July 8th at the Gengda Panda Center in China.  These are the first two cubs ever born at this base, which was built to replace the Wolong Panda Center after it was destroyed in the 2008 earthquake.