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polar bear and cub

Photo Credit: Kt Miller - Polar Bears International

Polar Bear Q&A of the Day: What can I do to help polar bears?

Polar Bear experts are on hand during Polar Bear Cam season to weigh in on your frequently asked questions!

Today’s Question: What’s can I do to help polar bears?

“The polar bear’s survival is linked to the arctic sea ice, a habitat that literally melts as we warm the world,” said Dr. Steven C. Amstrup, Polar Bears International’s chief scientist and vice president of conservation science. “Research shows, however, that it’s not too late to take action to save sea ice and polar bears by greatly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

There are many things we can all do to make a difference. Start with one or two and add more as you become more comfortable.

  • Vote for political representatives who recognize that our carbon-based society isn’t sustainable and who will work to establish an appropriate price for carbon
  • Walk or ride a bike, or use public transportation.
  • Let your utility company know that you want to subscribe to green power
  • Avoid products that result from tropical deforestation (e.g., palm oil, coffee that isn’t shade-grown, South American beef)

Polar Bears International has many more suggestions on their website.

EXPLORE The Complete – Polar Bear Live Cam Experience