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Meet Grace : So Happy

Meet Grace, one of 5 girls on the Service Puppy Live Cam. Warrior Canine Connection swears she was born with her tail wagging. We know she’ll grow up to be as loving and dedicated as the Grace she’s been named after. Andi Axcell submitted this beautiful story in honor of her son, Tom:

“In 2005 our son Tom was diagnosed with Leukemia. He was 18 yrs old when he went through a tough course of chemotherapy and our West Highland Terrier died. Tom was so upset about the loss of Chelsea that in 2006 he bought himself a Golden Retriever puppy and named her Grace. Grace was with him the whole time and never left his side.

We thought Tom had beaten this disease, but in 2007 it came back. Not even a transplant saved him. Grace never left his side, not even when he passed away in March 2008, aged 21 years. We let Grace have a litter of pups in the memory of Tom and kept one to give to our daughter. She said it was a last present from her brother and called her Shilo.

Tom and Grace only had two years together, but she made our son very happy.”