Explore is a philanthropic media organization

The Sisan Cooperative

Explore travels Peru: Day 1

The explore team is traveling Peru in an epic philanthropic fact-finding mission to check out humanitarian organizations. Day one of the journey has already been met with a couple of amazing ones.

Children's Garden

Children’s Garden

Children’s Garden (Centro de Promocion TiNi en Lima) is based out of the Natural History Museum (Museo de Historia Natural ) in Lima, and encourages kids to cultivate their environment, recycle, compost, and to learn other DIY projects aimed at conservation. In this spirit of fostering environmental sustainability in children, the program provides any child with 2 square meters of land available at their residence with seed money to cultivate his or her own garden.

Sisan is a cooperative founded in 2014 at Pachacamac, an archaeological site where a series of Incan pyramids were uncovered. The organization is comprised of local women who run a small business designing and selling items for the Pachacamac historical site. The women participate in classes to refine their business, marketing, and graphic design skills. Please check out the Sisan Facebook page and “like” them to show your support!

We’ll bring you new stories and introduce you to more organizations from our travels in Peru!