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Listen in on the Long-eared owl cam

Chat Live with Owl Expert Denver Holt this Thursday!

Founder and President of Owl Research Institute and host of explore’s Great Horned and Long-earned Owl Cams Denver Holt will join us Thursday, April 9th at 1pm PT / 4pm ET on the Long-eared Owl Cam. It’s your chance to ask an owl expert!

The owl season is in full swing, with a family of three owlets already being raised on the Great Horned nest and several Long-eared eggs to hatch soon. So join us for the first owl live chat of the year by tuning into the Long-eared Owl cam and asking your questions in the comments section!

Denver Holt has been researching owls for almost 40 years, his work featured in National Geographic Magazine, the New York Times, and several big media outlets, and focuses on environmental education and wildlife conservation.

EXPLORE the Complete – Long Eared Owl Live Camera Experience